Dorchester Town Council

Saxon and Medieval

Saxon and Medieval Roman Durnovaria decays in Saxon Dorchester.  The town's Reeve is murdered by Viking traders when he demands income tax from them.  A royal charter is granted to enable building of the prison.  This scene is later re-created by Community Players for the Dorchester 700 celebrations.

Upper left shows the destruction of the Roman town

Upper right represents the unfortunate moment when the Saxon Reeve of Dorchester decided the Viking traders at nearby Chickerell should pay income tax and was killed.  This was the first recorded violence by Vikings on the British mainland.

Beneath are the medieval town and its Franciscan Priory.  The scene is a fictitious version of the celebrations when Dorchester was granted its charter to build a prison which effectively confirmed its status as county town.

The scene shows community players, dancers and musicians from the Dorchester 700 celebrations held at Maumbury Rings in 2005.