What's On
What's on in Dorchester
The Discover Dorchester website provides a wealth of information for visitors to the town, including events in Dorchester - What's On, Events, Exhibitions
Dorchester Arts arranges a varied programme of activities throughout the year and also manages The Corn Exchange, which hosts a number of non-Arts events.
Dorchester Transport Action Group (DTAG)
For those who are interested in transport within and surrounding the Town...
The Dorchester Transport Action Group is a non party-political, not-for-profit organisation. It aims to:
- Improve sustainable transport provision for the people of Dorchester and the surrounding area, particularly to help those without access to a car and to make low carbon alternatives to car use more attractive, recognising the importance of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy.
- Work with both Dorchester Town Council and Dorset Council and neighbouring TAGs to achieve this.
- Set out a long-term vision for the transport system in Dorchester and the surrounding area.
- Work with bus and rail operators and other local transport organisations to make constructive suggestions about how local public transport provision may be improved.
If you have any questions for would like to join the group please contact the Chair, Stewart Palmer: shartlandpalmer@gmail.com
You can also join their Facebook page, here.